Travels into Homoeopathy

In some ways, for the next 3,5 years, my outer travels are over. However, I am traveling gaily inwards, as I explore this astounding world of Homoeopathy. Coming from a Scientific background, I am still amazed at how closed minded ‘scientists’ are to the remarkable insights from this direction. I can only imagine that the thought police that have infiltrated the world by the mind-boggling profits of pharmaceutical companies are doing their job. But despite this, and direct interference in the legalities of selling natural medicines, using every which way to denigrate it, going on now for a couple of hundred years, Homoeopathy spans the world today.

What do we learn as student Homoeopaths? Well many people are surprised that our first two, even three years are the same as conventional medicine, with anatomy and human dissection, physiology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, general pathology, pharmacology.


Tell me what we don’t learn that is done in conventional medical courses! In addition, however, we also learn about the amazing and effective principles behind Homoeopathic medicines. Most conventional medical schools do not equate pathology with the medicines that they are meant to use. In fact they are two very separated subjects. In Homoeopathy, the medicines have an intimate link with the pathology. So we learn how to diagnose and prescribe in the same instance. This makes Homoeopathy unique as a form of medicine.

Conventional medicine looks at the human body in separate pieces, and then wonder why pharmaceuticals affect more than the illness or organ or system they are designed to ‘cure’. What they often do not realise is that all medicines affect all organs and systems in some way, not only one as prescribed on the insert. This fact is brushed over and relegated to an infinitesimally small paragraph of the package insert under ‘side effects’ . Homoeopaths, you may be surprised to know,  never discount side effects, in fact, they are so important as to be part of the full drug picture before prescribing. Homeopaths understand that each person reacts in different ways to different remedies and so will only prescribe if the illness of the entire person fits the drug picture as snugly as possible..even what one would call side effects must also remedy that persons illness. This fact also makes homoeopathy difficult to learn as there are far more remedies, each with many symptoms that are to be learnt, while matching whole combinations of symptoms to match them. It also means that the homeopath has to know her patient intimately..hence the long consultations required.


In every study of the Human body, also in conventional medicine, there is much emphasis put onto the concept of homeostasis as a mechanism of balance used by the body to regulate all that is put in and taken out of the body. Much time is spent on studying this phenomenon and it is crucial to healing. However, this fact is entirely forgotten when conventional doctors prescribe. They wonder why, (or do they just shut it out?), their patients need stronger and stronger doses of a medicine to just survive an illness. They forget that the body fights back at high doses by decreasing the natural doses made by the body when an artificial substance is added. This is homeostasis in action. Homoeopaths do exactly the opposite. They use the healing homeostatic properties of the body to heal by working to elicit a vital response rather than suppress it. They see the symptoms not as an illness, but as an attempt of the body to overcome the illness. If you stop these, you are stopping the messenger, not the illness. (This is what conventional medicines do). Homoeopaths use all the symptoms, not just the loudest one, as a guide to select the remedy. This remedy has the same symptoms as the disease, and so “pushes” a patient further into a disease in order to elicit a response. This then reminds the body how to come into balance again, and thus all the symptoms are cured, not just suppressed for a while.


The infinitesimal dose and potentising of remedies is where scientists criticize Homoeopaths the most. But they have not kept up with developments in physics, otherwise they would know.  They also forget that there are many substances that exist in the body at infinitesimal doses that have enormous fact one can say this of most substances in the body. Also, they forget that for the body to absorb anything from the outside, it needs to be broken down to infinite pieces, then absorbed into the blood and potentised to a high degree in swirling blood, exactly in the way homoeopathic remedies are potentised and succused. Homoeopathic remedies are absorbed directly into the blood via arteries in the buccal mucosa and so do not need to go through the digesting and potentising the body does. They go straight to where they are needed, and this is why they are so effective. One dose can lead to complete cure, because it is doing multiple jobs at once in the purest most potent form.

Physicists know that an enormous amount of energy is contained in any one atom. You do not need a whole ton. In fact the whole ton is what causes the aggravations that conventional doctors experience daily. Many people are not aware that the minimal dose came about when Hahnemann, the original discoverer of Homoeopathy, tried to minimize aggravations caused by remedies. The minimal dose was discovered by trial and error not some magical inspiration, despite what conventional medicine puts out.  All homoeopathic remedies have been trialed over and over and selected from experience of their effects to ALL parts of the body. Besides, they have been trialed in humans not animals, which may have an entirely different reaction to the remedy.

I put myself on one of the trials last year. It was a double blind trial, with no-one knowing the substance, nor who was getting the placebo. It was diluted and potentised at 200 times. This is a high dilution that should effectively have nothing of the chemical substance present.  I took three doses, and had violent reactions to it that took me over a week to recover from. It was something I had never experienced to that degree before nor since. It made me realise that Homeopathy is not to be trifled with and is as, if not more, potent than conventional remedies, yet has few side effects because the choice of the remedy will not effect what has not been damaged already, as conventional medicines do, and does not need extensive excretory mechanisms (that damage the liver and kidneys) to depart once its job is done.

According to a business report, 600 million people use Homoeopathy globally. That is no small number. It is growing, not shrinking, as some people like to believe. My venture into homoeopathy came from the experience of it on my own and my family’s health. It is interesting that it is more qualified people who choose homoeopathy, so it is not, as portrayed, an inferior form of medicine. In fact the more I study it, the more amazed I am at how powerful it is. In future blogs I will post some of the amazing things I learn.